For additional information, please contact Jeff Downes, City Manager, at [email protected]. Joel Gaston at 205. 0100 or email [email protected] or 205. Private Development Projects. Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 205. Blasting Permit Application. org or 205. Steven M. Vestavia Hills City Hall Executive Conference Room, 1032 Montgomery Highway, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 Arts Council Bylaws. The Vestavia Hills Action Center allows residents an avenue to get answers, report problems, and stay connected with. If you have comments or questions, contact City Engineer Christopher Brady ( [email protected]. When:What type of work requires a permit? – Demolition of any structure. Southwood Road (1957) Scope of Work: (1) Replace approx. m. An expired ID will not be accepted. 823. Grab a bite to eat and take a picture with Santa! Get ready forFingerprinting services are available at the Vestavia Hills Police Department on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am to 3pm. 0132 [email protected]. 5463). 12/31/2025. On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the City Council met in special session and adopted Ordinance Number 3181 to officially canvass the votes for this election. The City Council of the City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama, at its regular meeting of October 22, 2012, adopted and approved Ordinance Number 2418 – An Ordinance Regulating Soliciting, Peddling and Panhandling. **This event has been POSTPONED and will be rescheduled. About Vestavia Hills; Action Center; Agendas; City Boards; City Leadership; Community. 35216. 00. Visit Vestavia Hills Board of Education official. THIS INFORMATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CERTIFIED ZONING. We apologize for any inconvenience. 978. Field Use Policy (Baseball & Softball) Lightning Policy. 823. In 1946, Charles Byrd planned and initiated the development of Vestavia Hills as a subdivision. Regular meeting of the Vestavia Hills City Council at Vestavia Hills City Hall in the Council Chamber at 1032 Montgomery Highway Vestavia Hills, AL 35216. Powered by. 978. About Vestavia Hills; Action Center; Agendas; City Boards; City Leadership; Community. org. New car registration – for vehicles purchased from a dealership in Alabama. If you have any questions, please contact the Vestavia Hills Finance department during normal business hours at 205. Highway 31/Rocky Ridge Area. *[email protected]. Please note that this is for Vestavia Hills residents only (proof of residency required); collections will not be accepted from contractorDecember 2, 2021 Agenda Packet October 7, 2021 Agenda Packet September 2, 2021 Agenda Packet August 5, 2021 Agenda Packet July 1, 2021 Agenda Packet May 6,. 1090 Montgomery Highway. We are grateful for the great contribution of service these volunteers make to our community. Patchwork Farms Village Center. Bookmark the permalink . Sport Board Financial Control Policy. Jefferson County Senior Services. Meeting Agendas, Packets and Financial Reports December 20, 2021 Council Meeting December 20, 2021 Financial Reports December 13, 2021 Council Meeting Novem. Non-emergency (Desk Sergeant) 205. – All commercial projects. 0100 or email adm[email protected]. 0163 or email [email protected]. Photo Competition Judges. About Vestavia Hills; Action Center; Agendas; City Boards; City Leadership; Community. City of Vestavia Hills | 1032 Montgomery Hwy | Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 | (205) 978-0100 If you see a dead or sick tree in right-of-way, call 205. 978. The City of Vestavia Hills has launched a new service to access meeting agenda packets. 35243. What is the Fire department’s contact information? 1032 Montgomery Highway; Vestavia Hills AL 35216. External links on this site do not constitute official endorsement. The opening reception will be September 25 and the full exhibition will run through October 21. 0150 or use the Vestavia Hills Action Center to report. 8920 Roebuck Blvd. 4700 Sicard Hollow Road. Not all permits/licenses are currently available online. edy/vhhsrise by February 22. Animal Hospital of the Hills | 1360 Montgomery Hwy Suite 114, 35216. This is an easy index to view public postings, adopted ordinances, consideration of upcoming ordinances, etc. Contact Us. Thank you to the Sunrise Rotary Club for their hosting of the Vestavia Hills First Responders Picnic. City Event. Submission deadlines are detailed as follows: June 20, 2023 Pre-Submission Briefing by Zoom at 3:00. Where: Vestavia Hills Civic Center. Enter through the double doors of the Police Department building (behind. Show More Vestavia Hills Action Center App 15. uab. For more information, please contact: Jeff Downes, City Manager, City of Vestavia Hills | 205. Small cell and 5G is the next generation of cellular technology, benefiting those who live, work or play in Vestavia Hills by exponentially increasing wireless data capacity and transfer speeds. 1296. You don’t want to miss our rockin’ sock hop on Thursday, August 18! Celebrate National Senior Day with us by enjoying light refreshments while listening to a performance by the Kool Kats! RSVP at. Vestavia Hills Police Department: Captain Shane Ware, Public Information Officer. Coach Safely Act. Box 660854, Vestavia Hills, AL. Technical Details about Vestavia Hills Action Center License Freeware Category Business Downloads 2 Release Date 2016-04-25 Rating Counts 0 Publisher WebQA, Inc. The City of Vestavia Hills is an equal opportunity employer. The official source for information on events and happenings from the City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama municipal government. FY2016 Audited Financial Statement. Commercial Building Permit Application. Mayor appointed. *Businesses must contract with a waste collection agency of their choice. Find Answers. (205) 822-8738 Claim Your Listing Listing Incorrect? CALL DIRECTIONS REVIEWS Chamber Rating 0. 130 LF of valley gutter. Vestavia Hills City Hall 1032 Montgomery Highway 35216 City Event Community Event Meeting. First, most Vestavia Hills residents are aware of our Action Center. 0147. State: AL City: Vestavia Hills Street Number: 1973 Merryvale Rd Zip Code: 35216 categories: senior center, government organization, sports & recreation Opening Hours Monday: 08:00 - 17:00 The Public Services Department is dedicated to serving the citizens in a prompt, timely and efficient manner. Where: Vestavia Hills City Hall. We want to see you Living and Loving Local in Vestavia Hills. Please follow this link for the new Vestavia Hills Economic Development Incentives Policy, Resolution 4558. City Leadership;Vestavia Hills signage regulations are contained in Ordinance. It is published and mailed 10 times per year to every household in Vestavia Hills. Enjoy lunch, entertainment and the fellowship of other seniors at the Vestavia Hills Senior Citizens Luncheon. The decision to participate in Halloween-related activities is at the discretion of each resident. Rating. Bruster’s Real Ice Cream | 1008 Vestavia Pkwy, 35216. 0150. No less than 3 members; 5-year terms. 978. If you see a dead or sick tree in right-of-way, call 205. Online Services. 978. City of Vestavia Hills 1032 Montgomery Hwy. The Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Republic Services, is hosting an e-Recycle & Shred Day. If you have any questions, contact Lt. Chief Dan Rary is privileged to lead the Vestavia Hills Police Department, a department striving to be one of the most progressive in the area. Held in the Council Chamber at 1032 Montgomery Highway Vestavia Hills, AL 35216. April 29, 2023 @ 3:00 pm. Where: Vestavia Hills City Hall. (or until capacity is. If you need a formal zoning certification letter, please send your request in writing to the City Clerk’s Office. Vestavia Hills Civic Center 1090 Montgomery Highway 35216 City Council City Event. Join Cahaba Heights for the Heights Hangout. At the discretion of the court, recipients of a traffic citation may participate in one of the following traffic school opportunities: Level I (4-hr defensive driving class): Cost: $150. Pool Pass Registration Opens. FY2020 Audited Financial Statement. Bookmark the permalink. Other Permit Fees. The Ordinances that address these concerns are below. If you have any questions, please contact Melanie Perry at [email protected] | [email protected]. Contact Us. Bookmark the permalink . 978. us | Exp. com | Exp. m. The Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce Helping Hands in the Hills Recycle Day is planned for Saturday, September 10, 2022. 0150 Hours 7:30am-5pm. Council appointed. 978. 978. 616. This mode provides different assistive options to help users with cognitive impairments such as Dyslexia, Autism, CVA, and others, to focus on the essential elements of the website more easily. 35242. You may now pay your ad valorem. 0140 (24-hour Desk Sergeant) | [email protected]. Action Center 2023. 1441 Montgomery Hwy. The penalty for doing work without a permit is a doubling of the. Drop off will be in the parking lot at Vestavia Hills City Hall. Many Public Services requests may be submitted through the Vestavia. Senior Adults Many of our residents have found that Vestavia Hills is a wonderful place to call home, both when they were just getting started and now as they sail into their golden years. In addition to cash prizes, winning submissions may be displayed within the new Civic. Tickets. By joining the meeting, you are consenting to be recorded. Our Hours. If for some reason you are not receiving a mailed copy but would like to, please contact us at [email protected]. 4 Update (205) 822-8738 Claim Your Listing Listing Incorrect? CALL DIRECTIONS REVIEWS Chamber Rating 0. 35216. Benefitting the Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Program at UAB. Box 660645, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216. The Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce is hosting the inaugural “Haunt the Hills” Trick-or-Treat Night on Saturday, October 22 on the Grand Lawn at Wald Park. A Life Above; Alert Center; Arts. – Sibyl Temple is open for events from 10am to 10pm. December 16, 2021 Agenda Packet November 18, 2021 Agenda Packet October 28, 2021 Agenda Packet September 16, 2021 Agenda Packet August 19, 2021 Agenda Packe. FY 2015 Audited Financial Statement. Drop off will be in the parking lot at the new Vestavia Hills Civic Center. 978. For animal carcasses on private property, place the bagged carcass to the curb and call 205. Downloadable application (email, or submit manually) and links to forms and resources for business license and sales tax. 0212 | cell 205. He is a graduate of Leadership Vestavia Hills, class of 2018, and a member of. 35216. The Vestavia Hills Action Center is a convenient way to make requests or make repots of areas needing maintenance. 2235 Lime Rock Road. A copy of the ordinance may be obtained by. This line is monitored Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm. 2531 Rocky Ridge Road. Honoring Vestavia Hills resident, Sam Cunningham. Building Safety only addresses property complaints relative to the structural condition of a building. 978. org. 716 Richard Arrington Jr. The Community Room is one of our largest meeting spaces, great for wedding receptions, birthday celebrations. Request Services. The City, in conjunction with Amwaste, is hosting a Hazardous Waste Collection Day from 8am to noon in the parking lot of Sicard Hollow Athletic Complex (SHAC). Fingerprints for immigration services must be taken by the U. Choose “Start garbage and trash service at a residence” from the Action Center request menu, or call Public Services at 978-0150 to start service. For issues related to Cart delivery or removal, debris or bulky item pickup, a missed pickup, or to make a complaint or compliment regarding your trash service please visit the City. 978. Vestavia Hills businesses and/or Chamber members can be added to these guides list by entering their info at. To achieve this mission we focus on: Functional strength building. Departments. Aquatic Complex at Wald Park. Tax and License Renewals: Due dates for various tax submissions and/or business license renewals. Project Status Update: Public Works has pipe available. orgJoin us for an evening of all-things-fashion, just in time for Easter, Spring Break, bridal events and baby showers! Representatives will be onsite from a variety of businesses, including catering, jewelry, tanning, salons, floral, cakes, shoes, dry cleaning, bridal registry, stationery, event rentMy Action Center; Logout; Frequently Asked Questions. Monograms Plus | 1360 Montgomery Hwy,. No same day inspections are performed. Wing Ding is Saturday, April 13 from 4 – 7pm in front of VH City Hall with all you can eat wings, live music, kids zone and more! Tickets are just $5 (kids get in free), so grab some friends and come out and help support a great cause in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! Bookmark the permalink . He has been dedicated to and involved in Vestavia Hills for almost 40 years. VESTAVIA HILLS SOCCER CLUB MAILING ADDRESS 1090 Montgomery Highway Vestavia Hills, AL 35216. Cost: $10. Courthouse Suite 170. The final vote tally was 3201 FOR increase in taxation and 4103 AGAINST an increase in taxation. For more information about boards and committees, call 205. For more information, contact Planner Jack Wakefield ( [email protected]. org 1032 Montgomery Highway, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 P. We are very excited to welcome new volunteers who enable us to continue this wonderful service for our senior residents. Download the mobile app on the iTunes or the Google Play store, or visit our website.