Reference number 1242 to the irs 2022. . Reference number 1242 to the irs 2022

Reference number 1242 to the irs 2022  1242 – Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; –E Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received IRM 21

Iv called over and over and no where did anyone ask for a reference number or anything to the sort. The selection process for code 1242 reviews is intended to be random. Your return will remain frozen in the IRS’s system until the review process is complete. Reference number 1242 irs I filed my taxes at the end of february and now it`s may 18th. gov website. long story short we are fucked , it means we are under review, last two years in a row i had to submit so much info from school bus stop info to doctor records, receipts etc proving my child is. 4. IRS reference number 1242 is the code used by the IRS to notify you that your return has been selected for review. IRS Hours of Service:**Monday through Friday, from 7 a. Hello. m. Reference Code Number 1121 and 1242 – Return Under review. See moreAccording to the IRS manual, Code 1242 essentially means, your return was received but is frozen (from any further actions) and under review. 5. Using the zip code the caller provided, research the S and O freeze columns to determine which freeze needs to be input. However, it has been selected for review and will be frozen until the review process is complete. IRS Reference Number 1242 is a code the IRS uses to notify you that your return has been selected for review. What does it mean when it says to use reference number 1242 when u call. If the zip code is located under the -O freeze the CSR refer to IRM 21. these-things-happen • 2 yr. 2022 Thanks for using our services!. 4. So, instead of getting that direct deposit or tax refund check, you’re receiving notice of a tax refund offset. The TC420 is an examination indicator. . A tax topic 151 notice is a document from the IRS stating that the Department of Treasury is withholding or reducing your tax refund, why it is doing so, and that you can appeal. In the meantime, the. to 7 p. IRS Reference Code 1242 | You can check the status of your return and your refund check (for paper returns) or direct deposit (for electronic returns) at the IRS. 4. Receiving a notification that your tax. 1 15 14,935 Reply Bookmark Icon jasondearmond10 New Member 1242 – Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; –E Freeze; in review, notice for. I filed my return in July, I got in touch with the IRS to check on my return and verified my identity in August. Here is a list of all IRS Reference Codes and details about how to deal with them. 5. What is reference 1242 mean? What does it mean when it says to use reference number 1242 when u call. 2022 IRS Refund Schedule; What is the IRS Refund Schedule? Tax Deadlines 2022;. The IRS reference number 1242 indicates that your tax return was flagged for review because it raised fraud or identity theft concerns. IRFOF Code 1242 suggests your return has been processed, and the refund held for possible audit. 6. 6. IRS uses code 1242 to confirm that your return was received electronically and is not lost. But my wheres my refund says to call the phone number and use reference number 1242. 5mm corresponding to 21 weeks hc : 181. What Is IRS Reference Code1242? IRS Reference Code 1242 – Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; –E Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received IRM 21. IRS Reference Code 1242 – Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; –E Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received IRM 21. Reference Number 1121, referenced in your account transcript or WMR/IRS2Go app, generally means that your tax return is under further review by the IRS. Applying For an IRS EIN | Federal Tax ID Number; File Your Personal and Business Extension Online; IRA LLC; Audit Alarm | IRS. Your account and any refund related processing will have been frozen (transcript code 810) until further review. Track my refund states topic 151 1242 code what's this mean turbo tax has yet to notify me off this? Community Discussions Taxes After you file Still need to file? Our. Although this might sound. Yes for 4-5-2021 I was assuming it was the letter saying I already received the eip3. What is the condition of the child is it the normalfetal biometry : bpd :49. Also the. Refund is frozen as they need additional information. 8, -E Freeze. The general timeline of e-filed returns is: Transmission > Acceptance > Processing > Approval > Refund. 5. Iv called over and over and no where did anyone ask for a reference. 1mm corresponding to 20 weeks?Locate the State the disaster occurred. 30, -O Freeze, for more information on inputting the TC 971 AC 087. . They should send you a letter. is this normal. This is due to the reason that there is something wrong or missing with the filed IRS tax return that should be verify and clarify to continue and proceed with the processing with the said Tax Return. m. 6. 2022 Refund Dates. i would like to note that i am a business owner and i filed a 1040. This means the IRS believes that you owe some debt. When I go to check my return, tax topic 151 and a reference number shows up, (#1242). The partial refund may only be the withholding you claimed on the return. If you are showing Tax Topic 152 simply means your return is still in the processing stage and topics and bars disappearing mean the process is moving along. Has anyone gotten paid that has received these same two?CassLO. 8, -E Freeze. ago. The 1242 means they are going to need something from you like proof of a birth certificate on a dependent or foster care papers etc. 8, -E FreezeTax Topic 151, Reference # 1242. 1242 – Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; –E Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received IRM 21. 4. . 6. IRS Reference Code 1242 is a code the IRS uses to notify the taxpayer that the tax return has been frozen and selected for. Your return will remain frozen in the IRS. 5. So while this does create a sense of panic, don’t get overly. Having the reference status code of 1121 means that the IRS will going to contact you and possibly it would be via telephone, Email, or just a simple mail. Please mention reference number 1242 **to the IRS Customer Service Representative.