ee/xixalxd. Fun - Because nothing says 'fun' like bestgore! Discover Trending Recently added Local videos. 6K Likes, 112 Comments. Kill a Colombian gang man with a machete In Cartagena, a 35-year-old man was riding a motorbike with his wife when six gang members armed with machetes attacked him with. However, the body that was discovered did have hands, and the victim in funky-town has no hands. fun. carrément c’est des débiles ! c’est quoi le projet ? c’est des crétins ! et en plus méchants ! You are a massive faggot. The footage shows a masked man. NSFW. It may be placed on the devices of our customers’ End Users to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. Many persuasively argue that the Lipps Inc. MEXICO Funky Town, sometimes spelled as funkytown, is a very famous gore video that is circulating on the internet. GoreSee is a hub for gore videos. 367. Apparently you can see the persons lungs explaining and deflating similar to the Father and son. A: 主要是因为up还在上高二没时间做,其次是因为这个内容确实不知道该不该放出来。. 1:18. fun. comment. His hands have been severed at the stumps, but the anguish is so great that he needs to be held down with the help of a couple of men in addition to the tying. fun. It makes me wonder what other songs at mislabelled explicit, and I generally skip over explicit songs, so is there music I might have liked in there somewhere, that I didn't even bother to listen to. The murder charges against her and her son were later dropped. 0:05. . Current track: Lil Aang - FunkyTown Gore Lil Aang - FunkyTown Gore. The guy had a full erection from the adrenaline and the drugs they pumped him with to keep him alive the whole time. . Lucky Chance GhostBxy & xixal xd. xixal xd · Single · 2021 · 1 songs. i saw it once and i can still remember many of the details. 22 a monthWell, no, the cartel prabably gave him some kind of drug to keep him concious, since he keeps making this weird, gargling sound all the time, you cant call it screaming, cuz it doesnt sound human anymore. I don't know, like i said it's fucked for sure. Find similar music that you'll enjoy, only at Last. it just has to be avoided, being involved in the cartel, but can be very tempting, easy money, but you risk your life, best if at all possible to be avoided, most American citizens who are murdered in Mexico is believed to be connected with (involved in criminals activates) the cartels and. Play. Funkytown Gore Discussion nsfw Are people sure that funky town Gore was an actual cartel video and wasn't some sort of weird serial-killing because that's awfully strange that nobody has ever taken responsibility for that video ever. Discord Mod xixal xd. 230629 Vanner Dances to Funkytown by Lipps Inc. For me it's not the image, its the noise, I could watch funky town, no mercy in. Funky Town [Editing Test] 232 views. Reality is scarier than fiction. Saul Goodman (Clean Version) xixal xd. The website is ranked #55,620 in the world and ranked #1,335 in Brazil, most of the visitors who are visiting the website are from Brazil. Pong. . From what I have watched this is nothing. Both of these men have been sentenced to prison for their crimes. hearing his guys son screams as they kill his dad was fucking sad. Cops Shot A Man Who Resisted Arrest. Autoridades de EEUU localizan en la frontera a niña de 8 años que fue abusada por 67 Sicarios, su padre fue ejecutado. The man was stabbed through the head by the HANDLEBARS of a handcart. Discover the magic of the Internet at Imgur. Subscribe. The walking dead literally split him in half, spilling his innards onto the cold concrete floor. The lyrics can frequently be found in the comments below or by filtering for. FUNKYTOWN (gore) does it honestly get any worse than funky town, its almost beyond belief. Be a man leave the screen and the internet for a bit you need rehab seriously. . Watch how terrible and cruel human beings can be. Published 10 months ago • 6. BestGore. Natural Disasters & Extreme Weather Events (1 Viewing) A collection of pictures and videos that show the death and destruction caused by natural disasters and extreme weather events. plays in the background along with some other tunes. Stop reading here if you are squeamish. 1 天前 • 241 次观看 gorey_goddess_gallery_. It’s starts with them cutting his neck . Here are some of the Best Snuff Sites on the InternetToday I watch the infamous video, Funkytown Gore!But a matter of method. This video shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him. 1 lunatic 1 ice pickbestgore. 2 Favorites. 11. His face peels away, exposing twitching muscle and. Hot Mic Episode 10: Funkytown 833 views. Why tf is it even called funkytown when there is a whole other. 4,747 views. SoundCloud may request cookies to be set on your device. It is really disgusting. What’s the sponsored by adidas video. But physically, The funkytown one was worse. Brian Velasco's full live stream suicide video. Sharing of these videos serv. The woman's hands, head and legs were chopped off. I've seen funkytown and after sitting through this video I feel sick to my stomach. 1:17. Fun - Because nothing says 'fun' like bestgore!, bestgore. 1 Guy 2 Spoons. We couldn't find any resource tied to the URL. 1 / 2. So…. 1444. A small wire is being held on his neck to hold him down as a bunch of dudes slash his throat with a box cutter, jam a metal pole in his mouth, and give him a sickle to the jaw. linktr. 9. it was extremely hard for me to watch. My settings About. Video, which was uploaded sometime around 2017. A horrifying gore video that surfaced around 2016-2017. Funkytown – St. Members of a Mexican drug cartel torture a man on it in an inhuman way. NEW DEAD FEMALE. Read Article. bestgore. The shooting of Derek Diaz by Orlando police. A video has emerged of the Zetas drug cartel sawing a man’s feet and then arms off while he is still alive and mocking him: Blogdelnarco presents a video where they cut off his two feet, and when they cut his arm they make fun of him while they force him to say “Bye Bye […]Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupFunkytown · Lipps Inc. ), presumably digital, that aims to shock viewers by displaying obscene and/or graphic content. Cut off the head. April, 2020 This video was posted by the mexican cartel CJNG(cartel jalisco nueva generación), the victim without face was a member of another cartel, the person who filmed the video was Fabián Urbino Morales a member of CJNG, most known as "El payaso", he was given this nickname because he used to work in a circus, the status of the man is. In a recent video that is as bloody as it is shocking and horrible, hitmen from La Familia Michoacana stab and skin a member of the rival CJNG cartel alive. . if you go to @ colleigay he explains it all on tiktok. Murders, dismemberment, mockery of the corpse of a murdered gang memberFunkytown gore reactionTo win the post notifications shoutout just be the first person to comment on the next video. fun and more from bestgore. ForeignBonus • 9 mo. SonicHits. Then get to funkytown, then pictures of this and then this. fun, Video which famously recognized as “funkytown” - BestGore. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everything that. Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in 2016, it's a Mexican cartel video depicting the grotesque torture of a bound and faceless victim. Funky Town Cartel Gore video is a shocking 2 mins. and just gross when they ripped the sons chest skin off. This man is having his genitals eaten by a dog. Funkytown is one of, if not the most infamous gore video ever made. And After Being Hit By A Train, All That's Left Of The Man Is A Bloody Stain. Using a syndication feed Subscribe via RSS. He screams, cries, and chokes on his own blood until he eventually dies. In my Videos I want to explain and show y. It’s not a rare gore video, but it’s a classic nonetheless. It’s hilarious how people here think that funky town is somehow less graphic and disturbing than 2 guys 1 hammer. Answer (1 of 5): What is "funky town" on the deep web? It’s a drug cartel torture video. Man with a knife in his chest. hey look at this neckbeard trying to be hard like bro just sit back and watch people get killed in 3rd world countries in excessively gory ways. ive seen both, funky town wasnt bad. One Of The Most Disturbing Video's On The Internet. As the horde start to eat his spilled guts, Rhodes has one. It put me in a dark, saddened mood. Run the Gauntlet is a challenge shock site that consists of 20 levels that the player must go through without looking away. A video showed a Mexican cartel lining up victims for a mass execution. Earth Angel [email protected]. Man being castrated alive by pit bull dogs bite. Woman is brutally rammed while moving with her walker on the street, the animal hits her from behind and leaves her immobile. This video shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being. Fun - Because nothing says 'fun' like bestgore! Votre requête sera comparée aux noms ou descriptions des vidéos, aux noms des chaînes. Using an. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everything that happens. This is the suicide of Ronnie McNutt, which has been posted on many platforms including non gore platforms like YouTube and TikTok. 0:13. I. Best gore videos, uncensored crime news, shock site. Shock sites are any piece of media ( website, video, animation, etc. The man was stabbed through the head by the HANDLEBARS of a handcart. Funkytown over the years has gone on to be arguably the most infamous gore video on the internet. Here are more than 34,000 visitors and the pages are viewed up to 612,000 times for every day. Q:那你作何打算?. accident beheaded beheading bestgore brazil chopped deadfemale deadgirl deadmale. TV&Showbiz videos. Subscribe. He then puts wrists in the way to stop the cutting then they put something in his mouth to reposition him sort of hook like. During the video, they cut his throat with a box knife. Gore Points: 197. Normalscreen. We use cookies to let us know when you visit SoundCloud, to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalize your user experience, to enable social media functionality and to. . 2:19. you’re nothing. they do seem to stretch out torture a hell of a lot longer, isis seems to go the quick execution to make a point route. 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick. Percaholik7 • 7 mo. Reply. It's all about 2 minutes long and the song Funkytown by Lipps Inc. . Animal / Animal Attack / Cartel / Crime / Mutilation / Punishment / Pure Gore / Torture. ON BestGore. 0. 3 4 SHARE DOWNLOAD. Ya, I've seen ISIS do some pretty fucked up shit. Terrible incident, bull attacks elderly woman. cover art by: @ callme . Published 1 year ago • 13K views. 1. Seriously.